Fritz Guard Water Conditioner

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Fritz Aquatics Guard

When you start with your new aquarist hobby, you may be tempted to simply fill up your tank with tap water, but this can be detrimental to the health of your aquatic inhabitants! Even just trace amounts of chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals can be fatal for aquatic life, and so it is important to condition the water before introducing any life forms. Fritz Aquatics Guard is an excellent water conditioner that binds any toxins in the water, making it more suitable for aquatic lifeforms.

What is Fritz Aquatics Guard?

Fritz Aquatics Guard contains natural compounds that will neutralize chlorine and chloramines and will bind heavy metals, making them harmless for aquatic life. It also promotes nitrification, which can help reduce water pollution.

What benefits does Fritz Aquatics Guard have for aquatic lifeforms?

Other than the fact that Fritz Aquatics Guard makes tap water habitable for fish and other aquatic lifeforms, it contains several natural additives that aid the wellbeing of your fish. Not only does it contain essential electrolytes, but it also contains aloe vera and Vitamin E, both of which reduce stress and promote healing.

How to use Fritz Aquatics Guard

Using Fritz Aquatics Guard is incredibly easy. Simply add one teaspoon per 10 gallons of water in your tank, though in cases where the water contains high levels of chlorine, a dosage of up to 5 times higher may also be suitable.


      • 4 oz treats up to 240 gallons
      • 8 oz treats up to 480 gallons
      • 16 oz treats up to 960 gallons


      • 5 ml treats 10 gallons
      • Will not reduce dissolved oxygen in low flow areas
      • Will not alter pH

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